Do you have a New Year Resolution to lose weight? Good! So did I... 10 years ago!

For those of you that don't know, my weight loss was sparked by a New Year’s resolution! 10 years ago, I decided it was time to take control of my health for the first time… ever. After hundreds of failed attempts, it took the “New Year’s Resolution” momentum, combined with determination, to finally take this journey by the handles and conquer it.

What I hate - actually, what I despise - is when people put others down for setting New Year's Resolutions. When people say “Why do you have to wait until Jan 1 to set a goal?”, or “Ugh, it’s that New Year, New Me bullshit again”... I just want to scream. To those people - mind your damn business. Focus on your own methods and leave others to carry on their path. Don’t discourage positivity, encourage it.

To the New Year's Resolution Folks:

I'm here to tell you to that if this is your goal for 2017 - Kudos! Sometimes it takes a new year to kick start something you've wanted to do for a while! Screw the naysayers, join the gym, and get started!!!

Knowing that mentally you have a “kickstart” is especially helpful. Studies prove it works. It’s the “Fresh Start Effect,” combined with the “End of an Era Effect,” that gives you that extra push. So if it works, go with it! It worked for me, and I haven’t looked back - 10 years later.

I remember being SO nervous that year when I joined the gym and started my journey. So if you are feeling the same way, look at this pic and KNOW there is purpose! It is possible. Confront those fears and hop on that treadmill and start with a walk :) it only takes the first step!

To my current Fit Fam:

Yes, the gyms will be crowded this time of year, but instead of complaining, why don’t you lend a helping hand and maybe help a new joiner? Even a smile can go a long way! We are all here to achieve the same goal so leave your negative attitudes at the door. The gyms will be crowded and that's a given, but enter with a positive attitude and be grateful that people are embarking on this lifestyle that you love so much. You were a beginner at some point, too. Remember that and be humble :)

“It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever – the one who recognizes the challenges and does something about it." - Vince Lombardi

I hope this helps frame some mindsets.

Here’s to 2017! And All the best to accomplishing your goals!