My Top 6 Tips for staying healthy while traveling!

So, as many of you know, I travel often! Whether it be for work or pleasure, I am on a plane at least once per month and I have zero intention of stopping! Over the last 12 months I have traveled over 20 times! I've visited over 15 new cities/countries ...and you know what, I have an even BETTER physique than I did a year ago. How? Well, I have officially mastered the art of staying fit, while having an "on-the-go" lifestyle. Let me share with you my top 6 tips for staying healthy while traveling:

1. Book a hotel with a gym

This of course, only applies to the active gym go-ers today. While I'm fully aware you can do workouts in your hotel room, there is nothing like a good pump session in a gym (personal opinion of course). Spend the extra money (you're worth it) to get a fully equipped gym where you can treat your body to an hour of intense activity each day. 1 hour = 4% of your day, you can make it work. Most hotels with gyms also have a spa attached. So, if budget permits, treat yourself to a massage after your workouts. Your body will LOVE you!

2. Do one "active" activity a day

Whether itโ€™s a hike, a bike tour, a long long walk, yoga or beach volleyball - I get myself active... in addition to the gym. This is in part because I LOVE to be active, but also because what better way to see a new town/city/district than being outdoors! I'm also not eating my best while I'm away, so I can get active for a minimum of 1 hour/day [now we're up to 8%] while exploring new areas.

3. Stay hydrated

When I'm away, I always try to drink a LOT of water. Because I'm eating unfamiliar foods, drinking alcohol, and moving around a lot, the best way to stay hydrated while cleansing your system is good ol' H20. I try to get even more water in while on vacation (usually I aim for 3L.)

4. Create parameters for your diet

Yup, you heard me. My belief is that we should still aim to treat our bodies like the temples they are and not completely disregard a healthy lifestyle simply because we are in a new city. Do you live a little more? Yes! Typically I'll drop my "2 cheat meals a week" rule and enjoy new local foods! However, I have to add some parameters still. Because eating poorly and drinking every day of vacation will only leave me feeling guilty and bloated. It's just not worth it. You can enjoy yummy foods while still nourishing your body. It's called balance. And in order to create balance, I decide on my parameters before I take off. Do I beat myself up if I don't stick to them? No. But at least I have a plan that I'm going to try to stick to. My parameters change each trip! I do what's best and feasible for me. I'm headed to South Africa this week! So, An example of my parameters are below.

Over these next 10 days:

  • I'll have 2 nights of drinking. One, when I visit wineries and participate in wine tasting/pairing! And the other, I'll get tipsy with my girls for a night out. Why only 2? Because I am not 19 anymore and don't need to be "hammered" every day. My body deserves better.

  • Each day, I'll enjoy 1 fun/cheat meal, and the others will be healthy and in accordance to my lifestyle! Why only one meal? Because that's enough for me! Any more, I feel like crap and I hate that feeling. Typically, breakfast and lunch for me can be healthy because I don't need to stuff my face, I'd rather explore. Dinner on the other hand, I can have whatever I desire.

5. Pack Snacks

Some of the places I travel I can't always find healthy meals (especially in Asia), so I pack my own healthy snacks to ensure I don't have any excuse to waiver from my parameters! This includes: Protein Bars, Protein Powders, Protein Chips, nuts, and dried fruit. I don't force myself to eat them, but I have them on me in case I run into a situation where there are no other options.

6. Just be smart. It's all in the mindset

Find the balance, you are on vacation! But, just be smart. Think of the after feeling. It always gets me through temptation. I think, how is this going to make me feel afterwards? And is that a feeling I really want to feel? Do I want to feel bloated and gross, or do I want to feel like myself? All for what, 30 minutes of eating? For me, it's all in the mindset. I don't obsess, I just make smart decisions that I won't regret later. I love my lifestyle, why would I completely abolish it for vacation? No need. Why? Because believe it or not, you can still have fun while being healthy.